Lending a hand at KGPS

This morning we spent a few hours making a big difference at Kingsthorpe Grove Primary School. They have a Designated Special Provision (DSP) that provides great quality personalised education for 28 children that have autism. School budgets are extremely tight and the teachers wanted to improve the provision that they are able to offer, so we helped them out.

They had a room that they wanted to repurpose into a sensory learning experience. We created a blackboard, a table with cups for storing pencils, a mirrored wall, a table to be used with sand, water or other materials and a Duplo table.

In a classroom that is having different children next year, we put doors on their learning spaces so they have less distractions.

While we were there we also serviced their bikes that they had in storage. Unfortunately most of them are unserviceable so the school will have to look at getting some new ones.

If this is a project that you would like to help with in the future then please do not hesitate to contact us.