Cancellation of Dodgeball Tournament and other fundraising

At the moment we find ourselves in times that we have never faced before. Our entire world is at risk of being infected by the COVID-19 virus. It is a virus that does not discriminate against race, sex or religion. The UK is currently not facing too many restrictions however who knows what the future holds. With that said, we have decided to do our bit in helping to stop the spread of the virus. We have decided to postpone the Dodgeball Tournament, Tombola at Weston Favell and the last two bag packs that we had planned at Morrisons in Northampton.

Our decision was two pronged both thinking of our club members that would be volunteering and our communities. We did not think it was the best option to spend a prolonged amount of time in a public area where we have no idea where others around us have been. Also families are potentially going to find themselves in a situation where they may not have an income or an extremely reduced amount of income that they will need to pay for bills and food. We therefore feel that is not fair to even ask others to donate to our cause at the moment.

We would like to ask that everyone looks after each other. We are all in this together. Please support others if you can by going shopping for vulnerable people if you are able to. Listen to the government and NHS advise.

As we are an e-club we are very lucky that we are still going to be able to meet online each week regardless of any restrictions that might come into place. If you would like to join a meeting please contact us and will send you an invite. We always welcome guests to join our meetings.

If we, as Rotarians, can do anything to help you please contact us and we will do our best to help you.