Another New Club Member!

At our club’s face to face meeting on Thursday 21 November 2019 we had the pleasure of inducting Maureen into the family of our club (we really are a family) and of Rotary. President Angela ran the proceedings with her son Scott and Maureen’s two lovely children present. The club is now 56% women which bucks the RI and our District’s trend of just 17% of women in Rotary.

President Angela and new member Maureen

President Angela and new member Maureen

Additionally there was further cause for celebrations as both Colin and Val had birthdays to celebrate and cutting their cake was obviously a hilarious activity.

Colin and Val cutting their birthday cake.

Colin and Val cutting their birthday cake.

As well as the triple celebrations we did do a bit of business discussing our bike ride to France, the development and running a Santa’s sleigh next month (logistics permitting) and the success of the Mighty Magnus ball and auction where over £16,000 was raised.